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About Aubrey

Mother of six, Birth Doula, Placenta Specialist and Director's Assistant at Health Foundations Birth Center


My interest with birth started as far back as I can remember. I loved babies. I wanted 26 of them when I grew up and got married. Ha! Well instead I had six amazing boys. Each of them are unique and beautiful in every way. As are their births. My two oldest boys were born naturally in the hospital. 5 years later I found myself in doula training in Sydney, Australia. After completing my training I found out I was pregnant with my third and knew I wanted to birth at home. I was surrounded by my children, midwife and doula. He was born peacefully in the water. My fourth and fifth were as well. My sixth was born at Health Foundations Birth Center (barely!).


Being a doula is such a treasure. I am so honored to be invited into such an intimate space. Birth and babies are my passion. That and a person's right to choose and be informed. Too often in our society, information is not forwardly presented when it comes to pregnancy and birth. It is my mission to empower people and their partners to make the best informed decisions for their family.


Being a doula for 13 years, I have seen a lot, experienced many types of birth in all different places. I have helped with natural, drug free births, cesarean births, birth with pain management, VBACS and loss. I am here to support the decisions that you make. It is not my place to direct my opinions onto you as I want your birth to be YOURS.

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